For now, I choose to refer to it as:
"Invasive *&@^#%*!".
As I have begun the journey of meeting with the spectrum of docs and helping my son Tom, as he works through what it feels like for him. I have told a handful of close, enlightened friends (who know how to stream light and love without the ego of doubt, fear & drama interfering), as well as a few members of my family. In doing so, I find I have already gained a plethora of new perspectives.
I could feel right off the bat, my need for sacred sanctuary, where God and I together can heal me in ways we both agree on. I need to be able to be in this sacred space every moment possible. I have all the tools I need already within me to clear and collect the lessons related to what this truly is all about. In order for this to happen I really heard the words when my doc, who is a dear friend said: "You have "Invasive *&@^#%*!", and I want you to know that we are going to get through this together".
I accept that I get to walk a storyline for a while, but I cannot validate the cultural charge to all the language connected to the name of this condition I am currently experiencing.
I heard my body, almost immediately, tell me to soften my surroundings; to create a sacred buffer for my holy place of sanctuary with God, and Tom of course.

Since I was born, Jeanie (who is 10 years older than me), was the sibling that would grab me and snuggle me into her bed with her on a Saturday morning. Her face lit up whenever I saw her, during our growing up years. In a large family, where I was fairly invisible, I knew she esteemed herself my mamma!
I was cool with playing the roll of babydoll to my 12 year old sister. In fact, this past week, I overheard her telling one of the nurses that she just had to come down, she used to change my diapers, and just couldn't miss being there with me.

So I was clear, as text messages, phone calls and email started to roll in, that Jeanie would be my buffer. Not to keep out love, support or concern; but to allow me to create the quiet space for myself where I could really feel the love coming to me, and use it in my healing, without having to tell my story over and over to my dear family, which would bring in more of the highly charged words describing what I am experiencing and what to expect from it all.
When my tests were complete, and Jeanie and I could feel where It was heading, I called my Bishop (clergy), and asked him to administer to me a blessing of healing. I loved that the oil he used to anoint my head was consecrated in the Garden of Gethsemane, at the foot of the Mount of Olives; an inspired act of forethought on a recent trip to Jerusalem. He told me that my body had been prepared and strengthened in preparation for this experience (I love a good bishop who has watched me on my yogic path with appreciation, rather than suspicion)...and then he blessed my son, a strong young man now, who was already feeling the weight of it all.

One of the truest friends I have ever had is Kathy, she is in my church family. Kathy has shown up on my door with wheatgrass juice in a champagne flute, first thing in the morning. She has called Tom over to help her tinker on her motorcycle, and always helps me find the biggest bang for our buck for Tom on the Fourth of July. Most times Kathy and I are together, we end up in wild laughter over a mixture of something we have observed that is both oblivious, obvious and ridiculous.
So today in my peeled-open and vulnerable place, she agreed wholeheartedly to be my buffer with my ward family. If anyone at church wants to come squeeze my arm, wink or smile at me, or even high five, feel free, I'd love it! But if anyone wants to come up and tell me about the latest miracle cure, or multi-level marketing company that will surely save my life, or is curious to know the details about what our culture calls: "Invasive *&@^#%*!", or asks me how I am feeling, I will simply say, with love in my heart: "I don't know, you'll have to ask Kathy."
And then there is my life's work and my beloved, enlightened yogis, who come and go from my Thai Office and The Bodhi Yoga Center, (which with all your ongoing support, I lovingly created for us), as well as our valued Online Community of 3500 (or so) long-distance yogis who are like minded, goodhearted souls.

Mid-session, I was doing light acupressure on his hand, and felt Rex's presence enter into the room. Frank's hand that I was holding, felt like Rex's hand, so clearly in its shape, temperature and texture, that I know so well from working on him . In fact I found I had to open my eyes and look. The two hands, I felt at the same time indistinguishable, yet both there together. I felt Rex saying to me: "I am gonna lend you my hand, all the way, my dear." I could also feel Frank's desire to do so too, which he almost immediately verbalized.
So later this evening, when I got home, I called and started to ask him to be my buffer with my beloved yogis, and before I got the sentence out, I heard a resounding "YES! I'll do it. I'll do it." Years ago, Frank was in my Bishopric at church, we have known each other for a longtime, really long in the existential sense. We met up again recently, and I have watched in admiration as this 60 year young man enrolled in the Bodhi Yoga Teacher Certification course and took off on the Yogic path like greased lightening. It was all I could do to get out of his way as he began teaching classes to youth in our local Juvenile Detention Center...delightful.
Frank will be my Yoga family buffer, to update and field concerns and wishes to and from me for members of my local yoga family at frankballard@gmail.com
To my long distance yoga family in 18 countries and nearly all 50 states in the US, I would ask that you just follow this blog for information on how I am ,"bodhi", mind and spirit and continue to support Bodhi Yoga in ways that feel right for you! I may even share a few lessons as we go along, through the online yoga center about to launch. Feel free to post comments that support my intention for full circle healing.
The word buffer that I am using in this post is in no way to keep the love and support out. The three lovely buffers here called Jeanie, Kathy and Frank, (as well as the many teachers at Bodhi Yoga), will be the ones that can talk with you all about what our culture calls: "Invasive *&@^#%*!". To me the name doesn't matter to anyone but me and my docs. Dwelling on the name, and all it presumably means, has nothing to do with the healing, and I need your support with very pure, healing energy, faith and prayers sent my way.
In a note to the Bodhi Yoga Teachers I wrote last night these words: "I plan to continue with Trainings, Yoga Classes, Jamie will handle Bodhi Yoga's private Thai Partner Yoga work. I want everyone at yoga to know that they are free to come share love, hugs, light and strong Prana. I just don't want to repeat updates or stories back and fourth, as that expands energy of what our culture calls: "Invasive *&@^#%*!"
The condition has already told me what it is...It is what we call INVASIVE. So I am trying to hear that right off the bat and negate overload. I am just doing my best to honor the request that my body has already cashed in on.
For me at this point it is to create a parameter of just three people, who fully support my intention, that I have to tell the story to in any way shape or form. They'll pass on anything related back and fourth as necessary to you my "families". This will allow me to, first protect my son from having to hear, read, focus and worry on an endless stream of conversations that describe Invasive *&@^#%*! and second, focus my energy on healing full time, and creating a reality where it is already in place for myself, my son and my families.
Of all the highly charged words related to "Invasive *&@^#%*!", the one I chose to honor is the word: "Invasive". My body has put my life on the line, to help me in no uncertain terms put an end to being invaded upon in any way. No more allowing my ideas, work, energy and image to be invasively profited from without conscience by others. No more quietly accepting condescension combined with vindictiveness. No more saying yes, or that's okay, when I mean no. It is time to set the invasive areas, associations, and expectations free, to be themselves somewhere other than manifesting through the tissues of my body.
I have no doubt, that right now, I am pure and simple, just living the lesson I will learn next. I give no energy to the past, as I set it free, and I worry not for the future, as right now, in this moment, all is incredibly well within my soul.
I send my love and blessing to all of my families and thank you so sincerely for every kindness, prayer-filled and faithful thought.
I remind you that what I know so far is, that the play-by-play, dramatic details, we tend to get sucked into dwelling on in situations like this, though gossip and drama, only serve to expand the energy of disharmony, but the bigger picture, and higher purposes are more vast, and love encompassed than any of us can fully comprehend.
Words cannot express my love for each of you. You have an immeasurable meaning and place in my life. I love you dearly, and will continue to lean on and be supported by the loving breezes you are sending my way. I can feel your glow, and Tom and I thank you for it.
All my love and prayers to you and Tom. All will be well. All will be well.
Safe Journey ... Love and Light and Healing to the one I (we) adore SOOO much! I'll join my prayers, faith, and healing with compassion. xoxo
Hey Syl
You rock sister, always have and always will, you find the god in everything, keep doing what you do best and that is finding the good! may you have peace of mind and the love of us all! be good! or like me just be happy.
Light and angels are abundantly in your space. I send my love, gratitude and support to a dear friend and example. Love you, Syl!
Here's my heart.
You have been so much on my mind of late. Now I understand why. Blessings, prayers and LOVE for you and Tom.
Dear dear Syl, sending love, and prayers and light to you and Tom! All will be well--- This journey, and the conscious way you embark on it, will continue to inspire and teach all of us who love you.
May you be given that peace that passeth understanding.
I've been thinking about you lately and now to hear what you're going through . . . You changed my life a few years ago and I've never forgotten your light. Just know that I'm sending love and prayers your way.
Kati Kofford
Dear Syl,
I've only been recently introduced to your amazing inner and outer strength and spirit, but what you and Carol have taught me is already starting to change my life. All my love, prayers, strength and healing for you and Tom as you face this new challenge in this life.
Dearest Syl, sending you and Tom love, light, blessings and you are in my prayers precious Syl. I am so grateful for the beautiful shining light you are.
Love, love, love you,
Vivi Bryan
Thank you for sharing Syl! You have been and continue to be a light in my life. Sending prayers, gratitude, healing, hugs and much love! Sandy Galbraith
Blessings to you.
I am so grateful that you wrote these words. I learned a lot from you about how to mindfully choose a word to give power to.
I LOVED the hand photo!!! The names of your buffers on the palm. How awesome. How inspiring.
May you be surrounded by, and filled with, peace and space.
Syl, I love you and all of the things you have taught me. My Love and prayers will be with you and Tom.
Thanks every one. Seriously, I already feel the love in the places needed in my body, regardless of sharing any specifics. Soooo cool that LOVE knows just where to go:)
Hey Syl, ohoh I am reading your story and am thinking about you and...am sorry for you, but God knows what is best for you even if hard times, he loves you and he will support you on this way. I believe in him and also believe in you, because you gave me a very best example of him through thai yoga work. As I am doing thai yoga on my clientele am sending you Blessings your way and may your Body be healed in God's eyes.Faith and Love back to you!!!!
All my love to you straight from the heart.
Sending you Light and Love, Always!
Syl, you are such a loving person and even though I have only recently met you, I feel connected to you and am deeply saddened by your news, but also amazed at the strength and grace you are enduring it.
Lots of love and prayers,
Liz Collings
This is the most incredibly choreographed dance of healing I have ever been privileged to witness. What a beautiful cocoon of love and light you have created! It is a very choice blessing to get to contribute.
What a beautiful day! Your news came to me the day before you posted it. Since then, I have seen rainbows and sunsets and heard you singing in chants. I feel a light shining down on your world and mine. What luck that you are a part of my life. Minute by minute, I am sending you light, healing and long life. There is dancing, and hugging and floating on air. I will be doing this as I send you goodness and light.
Carol Vlastos
I have been strengthened by you for many years. Let my love and vision of you and your strengths bless your life now. You are not alone. Many walk this path with you. May you be comforted and strengthened all along the way. God bless you and Tom.
Life is certainly full of the unexpected. My hands and heart are reaching out to you with healing thoughts and love. I can help with classes at the center. I have been on a journey to Peru. I would love to tell you about it sometime.To you and Tom light and blessings on your journey. Strength will come to you beyond what you know you have. I am one friend among the many who will be there with you all the way. With love, Sandra
i have to tell you this story... last sunday as we were about to end our fast, i thought i'd have izzi come join us for a family prayer... before we prayed i explained that we had been praying for you and tom today and that the whole ward had been doing the same thing. then eth said a prayer for you guys. well, a little bit later, we sat down to dinner and iz asked if she could say the prayer. in her unrehearsed or aided prayer she asked Heavenly Father to please help Syl and Tom to get better! Then hours later as we prepared to go to bed she again (unrehearsed or aided) prayed for both of you. I hope you two can feel the love just downstairs from you! We are praying that everything goes well. If you need anything, please don't hesitate a second!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and we have added your name to the Palmyra Temple prayer roll. Love, Elder and Sister Sherwood
Thanks for your post Syl. I look up to you so much! I'll be praying for and thinking of you. Love you!
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